Friday 16 January 2015

one shot evaluation


preliminary exercise

Clip opens with black screen (for the first four seconds) with non-diegetic gun shot the breathing, this creates a sense of enigma as the audience doesn't know what is going on, it makes audience ask questions like 'What happened?, Did someone get murdered? or Who did it?'. You can tell that its a thriller by the darkness of the scenes and the gun shot at the beginning of the clip. Non-diegetic erie music starts, it then cuts to a medium close up of someone running down the stairs the foot steps are diegetic, the footage is in black and white to create a horror look this makes the audience instantly assume that the person running . Camera tilts down to a close up of feet the protagonist still not established at this point furthermore creating enigma, the shots happen at normal speed creating a sense of reality.

 Cuts to a low angle shot but we still don't see the protagonist, diegetic breathing continues. Camera is shaky again connoting a sense of horror, and tension. match on action though door, the match on action happens quite fast connoting an urgency may be to get away from her acts or someone else. we for the first time see the protagonist, her facial expressions seem distressed and in shock, this may be because she is just committed a crime or is running away from a murder. long shot of the door closing after the protagonist falls this creates a sense of mystery and anticipation.

close up of the back of the protagonists head, we hear another voice, and second character appears in dirty single the fact we don't see the second character fully create suspicion. The protagonist breaks the fourth wall at the end creating a sense of paranoia for the audience.

Some of the scenes in the preliminary exercise were either too light or too dark, so you couldn't see what was happening, this extinguished the tension at some points in the clip.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Silver linings playbook: case study

. Support groups (in circles talking about how they feel).
. The protagonist (pat positive for bipolar) talks to himself.
. Everyone from the psychiatric hospital had to take medicime infront of the nurses and show them their mouths
↑shows lack of trust + medicine because of disorder.
. The protagonist (pat) seems to be alert/cautious.
. Pat jumps to conclusions.
things I noticed watching the film/ opening sequence:
  •  They had written the hospital to show authentification
  • there's a voice over of protaganist during opening sequence whilst screen is black which creates a sense of mystery and confusion
  • fading transition from black screen to the back of person taking to himself, creates enigma code
  • deigetic knocking- another person speaking sugests he isn't alone and that he may not be as mental as we think
  • over lapping speech, the protagonist wants to change
  • when's he is speaking about a topic he has to make his point (let's out physical and verbal anger) get into subjects (the ending of the book, and how happiness can be an ending), yet blames everyone else for his actions
  • still attends theraphy sessions whilst at home 
  • believes in excelsior; in latin meaning; ever upwards
  • doen't take medication as he believes he's fine
  • changes moods regularly, when frustrated has a menal breakdown 
  • straight up, doesn't have a guilty conscience and has poor social skills 
  • people are scared of him due to his mental illness, they're scared of the unknown and because of his past 

Media languages..


  • pictures/ images 
  • camera shots 
  • iconography 
  • mise-en-scene: lights, props, costumes, actors etc.
  • mood music (non diegetic)
  • diegetic
  • music
  • sound fx 
  • foley 
  • sound bridge

  • dialogue
  • voice over 
Non- verbal;
  • body language (mes)
  • facial expressions 
  • actions & reactions

Text on screen;
  • tittling
  • newsprint/ books 
  • text: from mobile or computer (the fault in our stars)
  • subtittles
  • sign writting/ billboards/ adverts
  • credits

The four things to consider when analysing a piece of media.

  • The types of shots (mc, ls, ci, es etc.)
  • Angles 
  • Lenses (size of lense)
  • Focasing
  • Frames
  • Camera movement ( hand held, crane, vehicals, tilt, pan, tracking, pov)

Everything that is put on the set/ scene with in the cameras view.
For example:
  • design: location, props, set, special fx, costumes, make-up
  • lighting 
  • colours
  • texture
  • action, expressions, body language (movement of actor/ actress)
  • sound effects (could also be in sound); spot fx, foot steps, explosions, atmospheric sound
  • diegetic; (sounds heard by characters in the scene) radio, head phones, door slams
  • non-diegetic; (sounds that the character can't hear) not in the scene, narator: voice over, incedental music

Esembling together different shotq to get a meaning then the shot 

how do you make meaning/ convey a message?

Transitions: fades, cuts, dissolves, rhythm, pace, brightness, 180° rule