Monday 13 April 2015


The main filming location in our opening sequence is the therapy room. From research we found out that therapy room they are mainly using coming-of-age films, we decided to used a therapy room in our opening sequence as it attracts our audience of adolescence by intriguing them as adolescence like to learn and acquire knowledge. Being a therapy room gives the sense of the illness as there are visual connections (iconography) between illness and therapy, for example the books and the figure of the head and the hand, he created a sense of realism and that they were actually in a therapy room.

The rest of our opening sequence is set in Isleworth the reason being is it's a well-known area, it's a working class area so it won't alienate anyone from a lower class society as well as being the area that the actor lives in so would've made him feel comfortable going around the area and made him feel safe. 

As it's a British film are we used locations in England, this will appeal to British people as they can relate to it more. It also appeal to other countries as they may like the Country and/ or accent, but then again we also thought about how it would alienate the other countries watching the film and we added an ethnically diverse cast. As we too are British we are addressing and attracting a British audience to come watch the film.

We also found in parks, parks are known as a calm environment, A place of relaxation and a place where sanity is formed, it's also a place of simplicity and a natural state. We thought that it might represent one of his states of minds or emotions, because of his bipolar he has his manic moods (happy stage) which can be represented by the park. This will attract the audience as everyone has been to a park in the past and us as a group enjoy going to the park to escape from the real world and enjoy the scenery. We also thought of filming in a park to address our audience as we as well are in our adolescence we would understand how they would feel and by setting it in a park we are trying to relate to the audience.

I'm one of the parks we found and had a river the river could also create a sense of calmness and relaxation. It could also symbolise time and how time stops for no one. We also thought of using the river and the park for opening sequence as our production name is fourth element production and water and earth are two of the elements in the four elements.

we also found in a pharmacy (outside of fancy) for visual effects and to create the realism of the illness and Lucas's bipolar, it also creates a sense of him moving forward and excepting his illness, him trying to help himself.