Monday 20 October 2014

Films that represent characters with bipolar disorder.

Films that portray bipolar disorder..
. Silver linings playbook
. Michael clayton
. Shutter island
. As good as it gets

Silver linings playbook is a film about a man with bipolar disorder who is released from a psychiatric hospital and moves back in with his parents, and then tries to win back his estranged wife but instead falls in love with a widowed women.

Portrayals of a bipolar person in silver linings playbook is as a constantly confused person, with severe anger and manic emotional states, he is also straight forward and single-minded.

Manic stages:- are pleasurable and productive periods, full of ecstatic emotions, feels mentally alert and stable, overly exited about everything.

Deppresional stages:- lack of motivation, severe anger and pain, loss of interest and feels mentally unstable, confused, self doubt and critical thoughts.

Finished synopsis for our group- Marwa, Hana, Dione, Sumana...

Lucas is an endearing and naïve 17 year old boy who tries to settle in at his new high school, but of course it's the same old battle field for him. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Lucas finds it hard to make new friends, or any friends at all. He  lives a very lonely lifestyle with his dad, the many faces of himself and his non existent companions. One day Lucas is assigned an art project in pairs, eventually he introduces himself to his partner Ashley, a kindly natured girl. As time passes, the two became good close friends however all along he was pretending to be someone he's not and decides to throw away everything he's earned. when life begins to crumble Lucas has to deal with the harshness of reality and his eruptive disorder. Demonised his whole life and struggling to escape everything inside (name to be announced)  productions brings you a story of expectance, truth and friendship.

primeaval gender roles.

At the beginning of the primeval clip there was a stereotype of a sensitive women when she got upset and walked away from the man, the media portrayed her as emotional and sensitive, the reason being is that the society usually associate women with being fragile, whereas the man looked uncaring and unemotional.
In the next scene we see a women driving a construction digger, this is a non-stereotypical representation as in society women usually don't drive construction diggers, this is representing her as a strong, independent and an opposite to a stereotypical women (either a house wife figure or not presented to attract the male gaze), she is associated with strength and independence instead of stereotyped as 'sexy' or 'visually pleasing'. on the other hand a man in the same scene is represented non-stereotypically as a fragile and dressed up in a metrosexual way, the man is wearing a pink shirt, the colour pink represents femininity and physical weakness this may show that he isn't a stereotypical man. The man acts in a careful manner whereas the women in a more confident way, the women then goes on to saving another man from a saber tooth tiger, she exhibits heroic characteristics which stereotypically a man would (saving the damsel in distress).
Later on in the scene two new characters are brought in to the story a tall lady wearing high heals, heavily made up, wearing a black dress with cleavage showing, this is a stereotypical representation of a women, the colour black (her dress) represents sophistication and glamour two characteristics of a women in sociality (stereotypically), the fact her cleavage is showing and is wearing heavy make up attracts the male gaze, she is portrayed as defenseless and weak, however the man she was talking to is an aggressive and barbaric, he holds a gun up which symbolizes masculinity and power and in a way authority. later on two people come into the room holding guns an one grabs a spade, which may go back to the stereotype of the metro sexuality (the man who picks up a spade), the women holding a gun may suggest again heroism non-stereotypical women.

Monday 13 October 2014

my coming of age story idea.

the brief plot:
there's boy his dad dies and his mothers an alcoholic, so he has to look after his family, even though he's only 17 years of age, he goes to detention at school frequently because he is always late for school, as he puts his little sibling needs before his own, which includes: dropping them off at class even though he begins his fine art class at 9am, which is the same time his sister start school, this is a little problematic, as he may be failing one of his classes because he doesn't complete the homework, because he spends most of his afternoons doing household duties, like making dinner, washing clothes, helping his little siblings with their trig homework, his class this girl recognizes his situation, helps him with his work, and they form a friendship where later, she helps him around the house, freeing up time for him to study and catch up with any overdue work.

how it starts:(the story goes in a weird order + lots of flash backs) all over the course of 10 mins. non diegetic music will be playing in the background.  (somewhere around these lines not actual thing).

(all happened in a flash back) a over the shoulder shot of memorial (boy in the right hand corner taking up a third of the screen, he is blurred and camera is focused on the memorial, low key lighting),.... (transition)....  (back to reality, low key lighting) him helping his sister with home work (medium close up shot of the two on the table) and in the back ground a women sitting on a sofa (it goes from the focus on the boy and his sister and the background blurred to them blurred and the women in focus and visa versa).... (transition)..... boy and little girl holding hands walking to school with his little sister ( long shot on the side (left)  which backtracks as they walk)..... (transition)...... boy and his friends walking to school joking around (again a long shot on the side (left) back tracking),...... (transition).... walks into class late and sits at the back (medium shot tracking and stops at his desk (close up) filmed from the right hand side (eye level, close up) he looks to the left at a girl then focus changes to a girl with him looking at her.).... (transition).... the boy walks into detention and sits next to the girl (film match on action walking through the door, as walks into the room every thing blurs and the detention sign prominent, focuses back on the boy) girl smiles at him (close up arc shot tracking thing (doesn't brake the 180' rule) to see boys reaction: smiles back).....(transition).... boy and girl walking home (shot from the back, medium shot) they end up holding hands..... (transition)..... walks in to house (cut in).... (transition).... (flashback)... mother, father, him and sister sitting down (lighting is bright, everyone smiling, wide shot).... (transition).... (back to reality).... mum sitting on sofa watching television and sister runs up to boy (low key lighting, camera back tracked into medium close up) walk passed the mum....... (transition)..... cooking pancakes for him and sister (medium shot from right hand side of him cooking) he puts pancakes on table and takes one to mum (camera stays focused on the little girl and boy goes out of focus as going to give the plate to him mother, low key lighting)........ (transition) ..... tucking his sister into bed then lights off (medium close up of boy and sister from the bottom to the bed, black screen when lights off then skip to next day at school)........ (transition)...... girl and boy are talking on a bench after detention in the grounds of school, girls face drops and she gives the boy a hug (background blurred, natural outdoor lighting, mood music as there is no dialogue)... (transition).... they are walking into boys house and are working on homework, girl gives boy headphone and they smile at each other (room light is on,  non-diegetic music plays out load (music from headphones)..... end

Friday 10 October 2014

Coming of age.

The coming of age genre is a film genre of where the transition of childhood (adolescence) into adulthood. The coming of age drama acts out representations of real life situations that occur to teens, the transition from adolescence to adulthood happens to everyone there fore it's easy to make  a film about.
Coming of age films: 
. Clueless 
.the perks of being a wallflower 
.dead poets society

The protagonist follows a journey from childhood to adulthood by personal and mental development. Has a problem and finds a resolution.

Issues that are usually covered in the coming of age genre are:

  • Drugs 
  • Relationship breakdowns
  • Death
  • Self-esteem 
  • alchol
The reason for this is that the teen age is when we come to realisation of controversiality and self image.

Coming of age movies are usually adaptations of books, for example The perks or being a wall flower and boyhood etc. The coming of age genre started to become popular in the 50's, which one of the popular coming of age movies was Grease, another coming of age movies that came out at that time was Rebal without a cause. 

Coming of age movies could be a hybrid beween coming of age and drama, comedy, romance etc.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Preliminary exercise review:

Our preliminary video starts off with a black screen with a diegetic gun shot and non-diegetic heavy breathing, it then transfers from a black screen to a close up of a door opening and someone's feet running down stairs a tilt is used on this shot this is so the audience can follow the movement of the person easily and to make sure only the feet are in the shot so it may remain a close up shot, this creates a sense of mystery and perplexity to the audience as the audience doesn't know the identity or gender of the person yet.
The whole video is in black and white we used this affect as it tricks the eye and makes things like jump cuts and different background colour unnoticeable, whereas if it was in colour the change of background colour would be evident and would stop the continuity of the match on action shots.
Following up the close up of the person's feet a wide long shot is used to film the now known girl running down the stairs, we used a wide long shot for this shot as it shows emotion and vaguely sets the scene, it also reveals the character, although still leaves the audience questioning the happening the has occurred (the gun shot, the murderer or the witness). The changeover from close up to long shot would normally contrast each other as it breaks the continuity of the match on action however as it is in black and white it consolidates the two shot making it flow and unrecognisable as well as keeping the thriller feel.
For the duration of filming of the video we followed the 180' rule to an extent but broke it at the floor scene (the dirty single/ over the shoulder) where we broke it to see the facial expressions of the passing byer, this was effective as it allowed us to feature the door in the mise-en-scene of the shot,  other wise we followed the 180' rule intently.

In the running through the door scene there was a jump that lead from the previous scene this was quiet noticeable and could have been prevented by matching the shots (leading from the stairs to the door). Though out the whole video we use non-diegetic mood music to create tension and suspense.

Friday 3 October 2014

my preliminary exercise.

marwa slimani
hana grant
sumana asgar
tasneem elnayal

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Genre work

a style or category of film, art music etc.
some styles of film are:
  • action
  • adventure
  • comedy
  • family
  • horror
  • musical
  • romance
  • thriller
Horror is a film genre that evokes a negative emotions for viewers by playing on the audience's fears, supernaturalism is a frequent theme. Horror and supernatural and thriller normally overlap,  film makers and producers/ directors generally use vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies and serial killers as these are more prominent in nightmare's and hidden fears.

Horror films include:
  • Shawn of the dead
  • jeepers creepers
  • Friday 13th
  • saw
  • Jason x.