Wednesday 8 October 2014

Preliminary exercise review:

Our preliminary video starts off with a black screen with a diegetic gun shot and non-diegetic heavy breathing, it then transfers from a black screen to a close up of a door opening and someone's feet running down stairs a tilt is used on this shot this is so the audience can follow the movement of the person easily and to make sure only the feet are in the shot so it may remain a close up shot, this creates a sense of mystery and perplexity to the audience as the audience doesn't know the identity or gender of the person yet.
The whole video is in black and white we used this affect as it tricks the eye and makes things like jump cuts and different background colour unnoticeable, whereas if it was in colour the change of background colour would be evident and would stop the continuity of the match on action shots.
Following up the close up of the person's feet a wide long shot is used to film the now known girl running down the stairs, we used a wide long shot for this shot as it shows emotion and vaguely sets the scene, it also reveals the character, although still leaves the audience questioning the happening the has occurred (the gun shot, the murderer or the witness). The changeover from close up to long shot would normally contrast each other as it breaks the continuity of the match on action however as it is in black and white it consolidates the two shot making it flow and unrecognisable as well as keeping the thriller feel.
For the duration of filming of the video we followed the 180' rule to an extent but broke it at the floor scene (the dirty single/ over the shoulder) where we broke it to see the facial expressions of the passing byer, this was effective as it allowed us to feature the door in the mise-en-scene of the shot,  other wise we followed the 180' rule intently.

In the running through the door scene there was a jump that lead from the previous scene this was quiet noticeable and could have been prevented by matching the shots (leading from the stairs to the door). Though out the whole video we use non-diegetic mood music to create tension and suspense.

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