Thursday 19 March 2015

silver linings playbook opening sequence (case study)

Scene opens with non- diegetic music in the back ground with black screen which creates a sense of mystery and confusion, it follows with voice over of a male speaking this creates enigma as we don't know who it is yet suggest its the protagonist, there is written text on screen saying 'karel psychiatric facility- Baltimore' which gives the audience a bit of hint of where the first scene or may be even the whole movie is set, it also states where it takes place. Black screen fades to a medium shot of man with his back facing towards us, voice over turns into dialogue, dialogue suggests he is going through relationship problems, the man is disrupted by another voice in the background telling his that 'the doctor is waiting' which connotes he is seeking medical attention plus going back to the text written on screen backs it up further, we only see half of the protagonists face. There are a few shots of the protagonists room, in one of the shots the camera tracks into a piece of paper stuck to the wall with the word excelsior written on it, the track suggests it's an important part of his life maybe a word he lives by, non- diegetic music starts again this time the music is more up beat which may mean it give him motivation. The camera creeps around the right hand side of the protagonist and we finally fully see him, camera pans away from protagonists face giving us only a short amount of time to have an emotional connection with him, this connotes that may be we shouldn't get too attached to him and creates a sense of foreboding.

High angle shot of protagonist, tempo of the non-diegetic music changes. Mid shot of medication denoting he is on medication for some sort of illness/ disorder. Close up of medication that had been spat out by the protagonist connoting he cannot be trusted. Camera tracks towards a group of people sitting in a circle, the fact that the group are sitting quiet close to each other suggests a personal relation and emotional attachment. The sound bridge that occurs as the camera is panning around the inside of the circle denotes that are talking about their problems and as we saw in the previous scenes (the doctor and medication) we connote that it's a support group. The tilt, pan and low angle medium close up of the protagonist as he is exercising creates a sense of focus and determination of some kind. A shadow appears over him as someone walks over to him suggesting that it may stop him achieving what he wants to.

The camera cuts to a high angle shot of protagonist looking up at the camera/ shadow horrified, the lady is seen through a low angle connoting she is superior to him. The non- diegetic music deepens almost mimicking the actors feelings.

Things that we could use for our opening sequence...

  • The creep (hand held to show emotional state).
  • movement of the camera linking to protagonists feelings. 
  • tempo of the music changing depending on the intensity of the moment.

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